Career Goals for 2021
With 2021 right around the corner many of us are thinking about our New Year’s resolutions and goals. But what about your career goals? Those are important to set as well.
It does not matter where you are at in your career; if you feel like you are not achieving your career goals, this is the time to stop wishful thinking and start taking action. Whether you are in a permanent position or working as a contractor, here are some great career goals for 2021:
As a candidate in a permanent position at a company you usually have higher job security, benefits, and more opportunities for professional development. Here are three career goals to consider for the new year:
1. Secure a Managerial Position
Some people are natural leaders who can rally their teams to become more productive, if you think you’re a natural leader then it should be your long-term goal to secure a managerial position. Even so, becoming a great leader requires more than telling others what to do. Being an effective leader takes years of practice. It takes so long because you must develop and balance a variety of skills, all of which have a learning curve. Though leadership styles can and should vary depending on the situation, company, and individual, every leader should work on these five skills: self-awareness, decisiveness, enthusiasm, responsibility, and dedication. Read our blog on leadership to discover tangible ways to develop these leadership skills.
2. Change Your Career
It is important to find a career that is fulfilling. Otherwise, you will not be motivated at work, you will not be able to connect well with workmates, and you won’t be productive. If you know you are in the wrong industry, company, or position stop procrastinating and start searching for the right career.
Yes, finding the ‘right’ career can be intimidating since it takes a lot of time and effort. So how can one streamline the process and minimize the amount of time they spend searching for a new job? Work with a recruiter, like those at Pinnacle, to simplify your job search through the new year and increase the probability of landing a job that you enjoy.
3. Land Your Dream Career
Everyone has a company they may have always wanted to work for, but they are too intimidated or inexperienced to apply. This year make it a goal to apply to your dream career. Work on the necessary skills for the application so that even if you do not get the position, you’ll have the skills to work at an equally prestigious company or re-apply in the future.
Landing your dream career might require a lengthy resume, what better way to gain these skills than by contracting? By rotating through contract positions, you will gain relevant work experience and enhance your resume seamlessly. Working in a contract position gives you exposure to new software, skills, and industry standards which ultimately makes you a more “in-demand candidate.” Curious about how contracting? Read our blog here to see if contracting is a good fit for you.
As a contractor, your goals may look a little different than a candidate in a permanent position. However, that does not mean you shouldn’t set high goals for yourself in 2021. Think about these three goals as you step into the new year:
1. Gain Experience at a Reputable Company as a Contractor
If you were laid off because of COVID-19, a contract position might be a good option for you. These roles are a great way for anyone to get back to employment and help candidates who want to launch their careers forward.
Try looking for contract opportunities in big companies to gain work experience. If you work hard enough, you may even secure a permanent position with the organization, if that is your goal. Whether you are a fresh graduate or you want to switch industries, contracting is an ideal way to peek into your desired field. As you consider a contract role, walk through the pros and cons, and then reach out to a recruiter, like those at Pinnacle. We can help you determine if a contract position is best for you and walk you through the next steps.
2. Expand Your Network
We understand networking isn’t at the top of your career goal list. It’s exhausting, tedious, and sometimes awkward. However, a strong professional network has a huge impact on your career success. Networking will not only help you land a new contract position faster, but it also gives you a competitive edge every step of your career. While networking is important for everyone, it is especially important for contractors.
Of course, with COVID-19 many of us are unable to network in-person. Fortunately, technology and online platforms keep us connected more today than ever before, LinkedIn is a great way to expand your network and explore new opportunities. Read our blog about networking on LinkedIn for a full guide to achieve your goals. As you expand your network, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pinnacle for some extra support.
3. Contract vs. Perm
As a contractor, you are working on short projects for an employer who either cannot or does not want to hire you as a full-time employee. You may or may not want to continue working as a contractor and this is something to consider. Take these ideas into consideration as you think about your career goals. Are you a person who thrives on teamwork? Are you a little shy? Do you like routine? Contract work may not be the best option for you. While some people thrive on the change of pace and the new challenges that each new company brings, not everyone does. It is important to understand what environments help you thrive and how you work with others before you accept a position as a contractor.
Remember that your career goals might shift over the year, and reevaluating and adjusting is a large component of being successful. Change does not need to be drastic or overwhelming, start with a small career goal that helps you get one step closer to your final career goal. You will thank yourself in 2022.
Partner with Pinnacle
Are you looking to make progress with your career goals in 2021? Reach out to the recruiters at Pinnacle Consulting & Recruitment: our team has years of experience that will put you on track for success. If you would like to learn more, please contact us at 412-343-6300 or admin@paf-resources.com.